Snails V


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Why should you use Snails V?


Snails V uses the best free API/DLL out there. This API/DLL injects fast, stealthy, and meticulously to make sure your roblox cheating experience is perfect.

Save Scripts

There is a folder called Scripts put a .txt file or a .lua file to have those files show up in this box. This makes it easy to grab scripts when ever you want to use them. So everytime you want to use a script you don't have to keep copy and pasting it.


Can you get banned?

Short answers yes, but it is very rare.

Why wont it work?

You need to add a exeception to your anti-virus or turn it off.

Why does it not work every wensday?

Roblox updates and patches the cheat every wensday. So normally it takes a couple hours.

Why does it say its a virus?

The API/DLL uses obfusticated code injection to get into roblox and let you use scripts. So Windows thinks its a virus because they can't tell what it is because of the obfustication